Visit to South Luangwa July 2018
August 8, 2018 3:41 pm by Make Me Smile in NewslettersAll the news on our recent visit to South Luangwa – July 2018
The latest news from Malimba School and Conservation South Luangwa
We thought it was time for an update and news from MMS.
This year we went out to Mfuwe in Zambia to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Jojo’s death and to also see what has been happening with the refurb of the classrooms and dining room at Malimba School which was essential. Roofing and timbers in the original buildings were becoming unsafe, due to weather and termites .
To re cap very briefly since 2008 we have built a Dining Room; built a Library /Classroom; assisted in supplying daily meals, paid towards staffing and teacher training (approx £2,000 to support and train one teacher); supplied sports wear for the football team; donated two computers together with many other incidentals. All this thanks to your valued help and support over 10 years.
Looking back it all seems so long ago. Remembering our very first fund raising event ‘Out of Africa’ held at the Vandals Rugby club. What a night to remember, in so many ways, 500 people all giving their support. Thank you every one of you. We had another party this year in South Luangwa, where Jojo’s ashes are. A much smaller affair but nevertheless very memorable and very jolly, lots of old friends, a very special evening.
As you know we not only support education through Malimba school but also conservation, they go hand in hand. Poaching is serious business all over Africa and Zambia is not exception. Poverty and ignorance, two aspects that combine to cause the ghastly effects of poaching. Rachel McRobb has been working in Mfuwe now 15 years and has been the instigator of Conservation South Luangwa. We have to join forces to education to fight this on going battle.
We have included some photos of works being done at Malimba. We have a very good local contractor who together with hands on help from parents and staff are doing a very good job in refurbishing outside and inside. To think the school now houses nearly 450 pupils on a split system, half pupils come in the morning second half in the afternoon and all are provided with one meal a day.
So this is just a little update. Wanted to let you know that we are doings things and all the time being active in our efforts to help and improve the small legacy that Jojo left with us and that in these last 10 years we have not been idle.
Thank you so very much for your support not just financially but with your kind thoughts and friendship which I have experienced in the last 10 years. It has been a learning curve to say the least.
Kind thoughts to you all
Jacqui and the Make Me Smile Team