Latest Newsletter & details of our recent visit to Malimba
July 31, 2016 3:23 pm by Make Me Smile in Archive, NewslettersMALIMBA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER JULY 2016
Please click here to read the latest newsletter, published in July 2016
In June 2016 we were privileged once again to travel to Zambia and pay a visit to our much loved Malimba School in Mfuwe, South Luangwa. Jacqui celebrated a milestone birthday this year and thanks to birthday donations from our Make Me Smile charity supporters we were delighted to buy a small laptop computer and associated portable solar panel charger.
Following on from our financial support for the building of the JoJo Dining Hall and the Malimba School Library, Gid Carr our wonderful eyes and ears school supporter reported that the schools would welcome any measure of IT support. This was prompted by the introduction to the Zambia Schools Syllabus of a computer skills module.
We know that just one computer is a small start and a challenge for a school with only four dedicated teachers, over 500 pupils and no electricity! But we share in the faith JoJo had with Africa.
Following a period to see how things progress we hope to generate funds to grow our support to this exciting new development. Our next steps will be to support a mobile internet connection, a new more permanent solar panel and then the gradual expansion of laptops to enable a broader experience for the children.
Mohammed, the Headmaster and his dedicated and skilled team of teachers and helpers made our visit a memorable time. The senior pupils performed a welcome dance and choral display. Speeches were made and we were once again enthralled at the vitality and enthusiasm of the children and staff.
We thank all of you for your continued and committed support to Malimba School and our work to provide these wonderful children with their future.